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At Castle Rock Restorative Dentistry, we understand the importance of precise and comprehensive diagnostic imaging in providing top-notch dental care. One of the advanced technologies we proudly offer is cone beam scanning, a revolutionary imaging technique that allows us to capture detailed, three-dimensional images of your dental structures. This advanced imaging method enhances our ability to diagnose and plan treatments with exceptional accuracy.

Benefits of Cone Beam Scanning

Cone beam scanning offers several benefits that significantly improve your dental care experience. This technology produces high-quality images that give us a complete view of your teeth, bones and soft tissues. By using these detailed images, Dr. John Gittins can identify issues that might not be visible with traditional X-rays. This means more accurate diagnoses and more effective treatment plans tailored to your unique needs.

  • Enhanced Precision: Cone beam scanning provides us with a clear and comprehensive view of your oral structures, allowing for precise treatment planning.
  • Improved Safety: The technology uses a lower radiation dose compared to traditional CT scans, ensuring your safety while delivering superior imaging quality.
  • Comprehensive Diagnosis: With detailed 3D images, we can detect and diagnose a wide range of dental issues, from impacted teeth to bone abnormalities, ensuring no problem goes unnoticed.

Seamless and Comfortable Experience

We prioritize your comfort and convenience throughout your dental visits. Our cone beam scanning process is quick, noninvasive and designed to minimize any discomfort. The scan itself takes only a few minutes, and you can resume your normal activities immediately afterward.

By choosing cone beam scanning in Castle Rock, Colorado, you are investing in a more precise and personalized approach to your dental care. We are committed to using the latest technology to ensure you receive the best possible treatment outcomes. For more information about cone beam scanning or to schedule an appointment with our prosthodontists, please contact us at 720-703-4609.

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